
���������� Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

p-ISSN : 2745-7141 e-ISSN : 2746-1920

��������������� Vol. 5 No. 4 April 2024



Implementation of Child Friendly Boarding Program


Albert1, Zulfani Sesmiarni2, Arman Husni3

1STBA HAS Bukittinggi, 2,3Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Bukittinggi

Email:�� [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]





This research discusses the correlation between the results of socialization of child-friendly pesantren program by the ministry of religion and� the� ministry of women's empowerment and protection on the program� implementation in pesantrens in Padangpanjg City, West Sumatra. The� purpose of the research was to obtain information about the correlation between the� results� of� socialization� on the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program. The� hypothesis in this study is that there is a correlation between the results of socialization� and� the� on the implementation of child-friendly pesantren programs in Pesantrens in Padangpanjang City. The research� method is descriptive method.The technique� used in this� research is� proportionate stratified random sampling� technique.The� results showed that the proposed� hypothesis� was accepted that there was a significant correlation between the results of socialization� on the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program with he correlation coefficient� calculation known that r hitung is 0,660 wheres� r table with significant degree 5% for N = 62 and df = N-2 = 62 - 2 = 60 is 0,254. Thereby r hitungrtabel or 0,660 >

0,254, thereby Ha is accepted.



Result of chil friendly pesantren program socialization,�� �������������������������������������Competences of PRA team, Program implementation



In Law No.18 of 2019, pesantren are defined as community-based institutions established by individuals, foundations, Islamic community organizations, and/or communities that instill faith and piety to Allah SWT, sow noble morals and uphold the teachings of Islam rahmatan lil'alamin which is reflected in an attitude of humility, tolerance, balance, moderation, and other noble values of the Indonesian nation through education, Islamic preaching, exemplary, and community empowerment within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia ((Triputro, 2022), (Akbar, 2018), (Siregar, 2018)).As a typical Indonesian religious education institution that builds morality and national characteristics, strengthening pesantren must be one of the main agendas and development of Indonesian society (Syafe'I :2017, (Albert, 2018)).

The concept of child-friendly pesantren is taken from the concept of Child-Friendly Education, namely education based on the 3P principle in the learning process.The 3P principles according to ((Latif et al., 2021),(Albert & Sesmiarni, 2022), (Rahman, 2023) are provision, protection, and participation. Provision is the availability of children's needs such as love/affection, food, health, education and recreation. Protection means protection of children from threats, discrimination, punishment, mistreatment and all forms of abuse and inappropriate policies. The last principle is participation, which is the right to act used by children in the context of pesantren santri to express freedom of opinion, ask questions, argue, play an active role in class and in pesantren.Child Friendly Pesantren itself is a program in the field of education that aims to create a learning environment that is fun and good for the development of children in terms of religion and science.� This is due to several reasons including first, the creation of a negative image of the Pesantren.�� Second, the increasing level of child delinquency and violence experienced by teenagers. Third, the importance of character education and good moral education.� Fourth, the dropout of Santri who live in dormitories. Fifth, the existence of the UNICEF program, namely Child-friendly. or known by the term in the realm of education as "Child-friendly.(Houston, W.R. and Robert, B : 2010, Zurnali, C :2004)

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Deputy for Community Participation of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, and the Directorate of Early Childhood Education and Islamic Boarding Schools of the Directorate General of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs have issued a guidebook for child-friendly pesantren and technical guidelines for implementing child-friendly pesantren in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Both ministries have conducted socialization of the guidebook. The socialization is given in the form of training to the community, especially pesantren managers. In Padangpanjang City, West Sumatra Province, socialization has been given to delegates or representatives of all Islamic boarding schools in Padangpanjang City for three days (18 JP). Representatives of pesantren who have participated in the socialization are asked to provide guidance on the implementation of child-friendly pesantren to educators and education personnel, caregivers and employees in their respective pesantren.(Rismawati,Rofiah :2015 (Rizkiyanti & Murty, 2019) (Situmorang & Susanti, 2021), & Susanti,:2021,Zuhriy, M.S :2011)

This research answers the question whether there is a correlation between the results of the socialization of the child-friendly pesantren program on program implementation. The research was done From February to September 2022 the author has conducted research on the evaluation of the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program in Padangpanjang City, West Sumatra. One of the things studied was the relevance of the results of the socialization of child-friendly pesantren guidelines on implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program.The population and research sample were six Islamic boarding schools in Padangpanjang city.


Research Methods

The method used in the research is descriptive method. It is a procedure for solving the problem being investigated by describing or describing the state of the subject or object of research (a person, institution, society, etc.) (Sugiyono:2013)

In this study, researchers� used a form of research study (Interrelationship Studies) with the intention of finding whether there is a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable .This form of research chosen because it is in accordance with the form of research, namely to determine the level of causal relationship between between the� results� of� socialization� on the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program in six pesantrens in Padangpanjang city.

According to Sugiyono (2013), population is a generalization area that consists of objects/subjects of research that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by the researcher to be studied and then drawn certain characteristics set by the researcher to study and then draw conclusions.As for the population in this study are all PRA team members of six pesantren in Padangpanjang city in the 2022/2023 academic year totaling 95 people distributed by the researchers to be studied.

The sampling technique in this study was to use Simple Random Sampling technique. Simple Random Sampling is done randomly without regard to existing strata in (Sugiyono: 2013).The samples in this study were appointed representative of� PRA team members of six pesantrens. So,the total number of samples was 62 people.

There are three data collection techniques used in this research techniques, namely direct observation techniques, direct communication techniques and indirect communication techniques.

The data collection tool used for direct observation techniques is an observation sheet. Data collection tools used for direct communication techniques are direct communication technique is an interview guide, and the data collection tool used for indirect communication techniques is a questionnaire.

To answer the research hypothesis that has been formulated, namely that there is a significant correlation between the� results� of� socialization of child friendly pesantren program� on the implementation of the program, the researcher used the formula:


𝑛 𝑥𝑦 −( 𝑥 ) ( 𝑦 )


√{𝑛 𝑥 2 ( 𝑥 )2 }{𝑛 𝑦 2−( 𝑦 ) 2 }



To find out how much the level of relationship between the independent variable (x), with the dependent variable (y), in accordance with the applicable provisions according to Sugiyono (2011: 257) in the following table.

Fig. 1.Distribution Interpretation


The criteria for testing the hypothesis according to Awalluddin (2009) is with a significant level of 1% or 5% and degrees of freedom (df) = N-2, namely if (1) rxy count> rxy table then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, (2) rxy count < rxy table then Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.


Results and Discussion

The results of the correlation calculation and the processed� questionnaire data can be seen in the following table.


Table.2 Results of Correlation Coefficient Calculation and Data Processing of resdult of�� program sosialization and program implementation




�������� Variabel �� �������� ��Score��������������� �������� Rate ���������������������������������������������Category


Maximum ideal



Results of sosializaton��� 2.988

(dependent variabel)�� ��������� �����������������������������������������������������������������




��� Program Implementation 2.913�

���� (independent variable)�� ���




Coefisien Corellasion

Product Moment

�������������� 0,66




From the table above it can be seen that: (1) The result of sosialization of child friendly pesantren program obtained a raw score of 2,988 and an ideal maximum score of 3,720 until after being calculated using the Percentage formula (NP) obtained a percentage value of 80.32% and included in the "Good." category, (2) The implementation of child friendly program obtained a raw score of 2,913 and an ideal maximum score of 3,720 until after being calculated using the Percentage formula (NP) obtained a percentage value of 78.30% and included in the "Good." category.

Based on the results of the calculation of the percentage value (NP) of result socialization of child friendly pesantren program and implementation of child friendly pesantren program, thus Ha is accepted, namely there is a significant correlation between result socialization of child friendly pesantren program and implementation of child friendly pesantren program shows a "good" category.

From the table above, it is also known that the product moment correlation coefficient (𝑟𝑥𝑦) is 0.660 and after being categorized based on the interpretation distribution table, the correlation between result of socialization of child friendly pesantren program is included in the range of 0.60 - 0.799 so that it is categorized as "Strong."



Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that (1) The percentage value (NP) of the questionnaire of the result of socialization of child friendly pesantren program is 80.32%, including in the "good" category. (2) The percentage value of the implementation of child friendly pesantren program is 78.30%, which is included in the "good" category. (3) There is a significant correlation between result of socialization of child friendly pesantren program and the implementation of child friendly pesantren program, with the calculation of the correlation coefficient (𝑟ℎi𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔) which obtained a value of 0.660, then the value was compared with 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏e𝑙 at a significant level of 5% for N = 62 and df = N - 2 = 60 obtained the number 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏e𝑙 at a significant level of 5% for N = 62 and df = N - 2 = 62 - 2 = 60, 0.254 is obtained and it can be seen that 𝑟ℎi𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 is greater than 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏e𝑙 or 0.660 > 0.254, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. (4) The level of correlation between reading interest and learning motivation of grade V students of State Elementary School 03 South Pontianak is included in the "strong" category, namely by looking at 𝑟ℎi𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 = 0.660 then compared to the interpretation distribution table. The following recommendations are given (1) In organizing the socialization, the content of the socialization should be adjusted to the needs of the PRA team and so that the results of the socialization are more optimal, then careful planning, strategies, methods, materials, appropriate media are needed and also supported by adequate infrastructure. sufficient. (2) The leaders of the boarding school, teaching and education personnel and all students give full support to the PRA team to follow the socialization and follow-up guidance and plan, implement and evaluate the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program. (3) For other researchers, if using the same approach, there should be a sharpening and deepening of the theory and expansion of variables and expanding the study of factors that influence the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program.



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