������������� Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

p-ISSN : 2745-7141 e-ISSN : 2746-1920

��������������� Vol. 5 No. 5 May 2024


Effect ofUsing Karuta Card on Students� Ability to Comprehend Vocabulary (Experimental Research for the Seventh Grade at Sabilul Mukminin Boarding School Binjai)


Hanifa Azimah

Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam As � Sunnah

Email: [email protected]





The research question is: Is there an effect of using the Karuta card on students� ability in the seventh grade at the Sabilul Mukminin Binjai Boarding School to comprehend vocabulary? Its purpose is to know the effect of using the Karuta card on students� ability in the seventh grade at the Sabilul Mukminin Binjai Boarding School to comprehend vocabulary, especially to pronounce its letters correctly. The method used is quantitative field research of the experimental type, and the method used is a statistical method using SPSS 25 and a t-test. The result of this research is that the use of the Karuta card does not affect students� ability in the seventh grade at the Sabilul Mukminin Binjai Boarding School to pronounce vocabulary correctly, and the author infers this from the results of the female students on the test in the experimental class and the control class. The average score for vocabulary comprehension in the control class was 72.68, which is higher than the average score for vocabulary comprehension in the experimental class, which was 64.85. From these two rates, t0 is found at 1,252 It is lower than ttable (2,026). Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis is rejected, meaning that the use of the Karuta card does not affect the ability of the female students of the seventh intermediate semester at the Sabeel Al-Muminin Benjay Institute to comprehend vocabulary, especially in pronouncing its letters correctly.



Kata kunci:

Karuta, Card, Vocabulary
























The Arabic language has a religious and worldly status. As for its religious status, it is the language of the Qur�an and Hadith. As for its worldly status, it is one of the official languages of the United Nations and has a high status in civilization. This can be seen from the large number of books translated and written in Arabic, especially during the Abbasid era. People around the world began to speak many Arabic vocabulary and it became part of their languages. One of the countries most influenced by the Arabic language is Indonesia, where this language was introduced with the advent of Islam many centuries ago. It later became a second language that students acquired during the education process in schools and institutes.

Education is �a process that aims to bring about change in the behavior of living beings,�especially students. The change in teaching the Arabic language occurs in linguistic behavior, whereby students can receive the Arabic language by listening and reading and produce it by speaking and writing. These skills are called the four language skills. But these skills can only be built with the three elements of the language, including vocabulary, as it is an essential component of the language.

Before the teacher begins teaching vocabulary, the learning objectives must be set so that the teaching is focused and clear. It indicates the behavior of the students that needs to be changed. It clarifies which method or means the teacher uses to achieve these goals. One of the goals of teaching vocabulary, for example, is for students to be able to pronounce its letters correctly. Because students often mispronounce some letters because they do not exist in their mother tongue. Thus, the meaning of the word changed and the speech became incomprehensible.

Among those facing this problem are the female students of the seventh intermediate semester at the Sabeel Al-Muminin Benjai Institute. After observation and interview with the Arabic language teacher for this semester, it became clear that teaching the Arabic language focuses on understanding vocabulary. The goals of teaching vocabulary were for students to be able to pronounce the letters correctly, understand their meanings, and write them correctly. Female students study the Arabic book for juniors, volume one. The method used to achieve these goals was for the school to write the vocabulary words on the blackboard and then read them to the students, who then read them. After the reading is completed, the students write the vocabulary words and their meanings in the books and memorize them to present them in front of the school one by one in the next meeting. The school explains the meanings of vocabulary through the pictures in the book or by translating them if there are no pictures in it to clarify their meaning. However, when the vocabulary was presented, the school saw that the students did not pronounce some letters correctly due to urgency. The students used to pronounce the letter �غ� in the word �غطاء� as the letter � g � and the letter �ظ� in the word �مظلة� as the letter �ز.� Therefore, the first goal was not achieved. The reason is that the number of female students is large, 45 female students, and the time allotted by the school for application is not sufficient. Among them are those who did not know the Arabic language before, whether from the Qur�an or anything else. The other reason is that they speak multiple dialects other than Arabic dialects, so they do not care about stressed or elongated letters. Lack of attention to pronunciation of vocabulary may cause another problem, which is spelling errors. Therefore, this basic problem must be addressed by paying more attention to the pronunciation of vocabulary.

Another way to make it easier for students to understand vocabulary without introducing it is by using Karuta. Ogawa and Tsuchiya mentioned that Karuta is a famous ancient Japanese card game that children usually play at home or school to gain basic knowledge. Children love to use the game in education. Karuta is used In kindergarten and elementary school in Japan as a means of teaching basic katakana, hiragana, and kanji characters. It is also used in teaching foreign languages such as English. Transfer of birthright from Nishigaki N ishigaki That use Karuta It gives an excellent result in teaching English vocabulary. Transfer of awareness to Karuta game Effective in mentioning Japanese vocabulary. Quoted from Taynton and Yamada to Karuta It is used as an educational method in the primary, middle, and secondary levels in Japan.

The researchers investigated the effect of using educational means in comprehending vocabulary, such as researching the effect of using pictures and drawings on comprehending vocabulary among female students in the first intermediate semester at the Mutiyari Alam Kesaran Tahfiz Institute, Um Al-Habibah, a graduate of the Islamic Sunnah University in the year 2021 AD. The result is that there is an effect of using pictures and drawings on vocabulary comprehension, given the result of t 0 2.26, which is higher than the result of t table, which is 2.05. he other investigated the effect of using karuta on comprehending Japanese vocabulary, such as researching the effect of using the dokoni karuta game on comprehending Japanese vocabulary, in the sixth chapter, the book Nihongo Kira Kira, among first-semester students in public secondary school 1 Puri Mojokerto, academic year 2017/2018, written by Siti Nour Afifa. Orib Zain Al Fanani is a student at the Faculty of Language and Literature, at Surabaya State University. The result is that there is an effect of using the dokoni karuta game on the comprehension of Japanese vocabulary, given the result of the 2-tailed sig. 0.009 which is lower than 0.05. However the research did not find the effect of using karuta on the comprehension of Arabic vocabulary, so the author wanted to research the effect of Using Karuta to teach Arabic vocabulary. Please help the students understand the vocabulary, especially in pronouncing its letters correctly, because it is the first goal in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the topic of this research is � The effect of using the Karuta card on students� ability to comprehend vocabulary.�



The methodology of this research is quantitative field research using the experimental method. The experimental design used in this research is the True Experimental Design. The population of this research is all 45 female students in the seventh grade at the Sabeel Al-Muminin Benjay Institute. The reason for choosing the seventh grade is because it is the first step that students go through in school. Treatment is the prevention of problems that may appear later. The research sample is taken using a simple random sampling method The sample size is determined as 39 female students by looking at Isaac and Michal�s table, where 39 individuals are taken from 45 female students with an error standard of 10%. The sample is divided into two parts: 20 female students in the experimental class and 19 female students in the control class. �A research instrument is a means by which the researcher collects his data.� The tool for this research is the test because the analyzed data is the students� results in understanding vocabulary. �The test is a practical, applied situation in which students are placed to reveal the knowledge, information, concepts, ideas, and behavioral performances that they have acquired during their learning of a subject or skill in a specific period.� Evaluation of the test in the experimental class and the control class after the use of the karuta card had been tried out in the experimental class. Validity is the criterion for the success of a research tool in measuring something. There are two types: internal honesty and external honesty. Internal validity is divided into two parts: content validity and construct validity. A test is said to be content valid if it measures students' ability to comprehend vocabulary exactly. He knows his honesty in a logical way, which is by reading the tool to know that the question items have included the material required to be understood.

Then it is followed by an empirical method, which is either by analyzing the factor analysis or by analyzing the items. In this research, item analysis was used, which is searching for the relationship between the result of the question and the total result using the statistics symbol product moment in SPSS Because the question is in the form of a continuum, which means that the result ranges from zero to a specific number other than one. A test is said to be constructively valid if its form is appropriate to measure students� ability to comprehend vocabulary. To verify the validity of the construct, the test is presented to specialists in this field. A test is said to be externally valid if its result does not significantly differ from the result of the standard test. Its validity is determined by comparing their results using the product moment.

Reliability is when a research tool gives the same results or close results if it is applied to a sample more than once under similar conditions. To verify its stability, internal consistency was used, so the test was given once with one instrument. Then I analyzed the test result with the alpha symbol Cronbach because the question is in continuum form, which means that the result ranges between 0-10, 0-100, 1-3, 1-5, or 1-10. SPSS 25 was used to analyze the results. If the result is r_kk≥ 0.70, the search tool is fixed.



The data in this research were the results of the female students in the control class and the experimental class in the post-test. The following figure indicates the average of both classes in the post-test. From this table, it is seen that the control dismissal rate is 72.68, which is higher than the experimental dismissal rate (64.85), and the difference between the two rates is 7.83.



After completing the data collection, A entered the data into SPSS 25 For the standardized exam and the homogeneous exam. For a standardized test, the Skewness and Kurtosis scores are taken into a descriptive table and the statistics score is then divided by the error criterion for both scores. If the result falls between 2 and -2, the data is standardized, otherwise the data is non-standardized. The following table is a summary of what was mentioned before.


Table 1. Standardized exam results


From this table, it is known that the result of dividing the statistical score by the error standard all falls between 2 and -2, so the data is standard. As for the homogeneity test, I used One Way ANOVA and found the results as shown in the table.


Table 2. Homogeneity test results


Test of Homogeneity of Variance


Levene Statistic





Based on Meaning





Based on Median





Based on the Median and with adjusted df





Based on the trimmed meaning






Sees data smoothing of sig by rate. If the sig is higher than 0.05, the data is homogeneous, otherwise the data is heterogeneous. From the previous table, the sig was found to be higher than 0.05, which is 0.906, so the data is homogeneous. After the analysis condition has been tested and it is known that the data are standard and homogeneous, the next step is to analyze the data with a t-test to determine the effect of using karuta on the student�s ability to comprehend vocabulary. Before searching for the effect, the relationship between the two variables was examined using the product moment symbol in SPSS 25. Then the alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis were established as follows:

Ha: The relationship exists between teaching vocabulary using karuta and without using it

Ho: There is no relationship between teaching vocabulary using karuta and without using it


Table 2. Product Moment results







Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)







Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)







Descriptive statistics



Std. Deviation











Descriptive statistics

The relationship is seen from the result of sig. If sig is higher than 0.05, then the null hypothesis is accepted, and if sig is lower than 0.05, then the alternative hypothesis is accepted. From the Correlations table, it is known that the sig is 0.324, which is higher than 0.05, so H o is acceptable and H a is rejected, meaning there is no relationship between teaching vocabulary using karuta And without using it. After finding the result, evaluate the research on the effect of using karuta on students' ability to comprehend vocabulary using a t-test and the code is as follows:


�������������������� = t-test

������ ����������� = Average from the experimental class

������ ����������� = Average from the control class

�������� = Giving the scale on average from the experimental and control classes


The steps for analyzing data with a t-test are as follows:

1.      Find the variable rate x. Here is the result of the controlled separation with a symbol:

2.      Find the variable rate Y Here is the result of the experimental class with code:

3.      Find the standard deviation of a variable x (SD 1 ) This was found in the previous descriptive statistic table and is 19,497.

4.      Find the standard deviation Y (SD 2 ) This was found in the previous descriptive statistic table, which is 19,575.

5.      Find the standard error of the variable x with code:

6.      Find the standard error of the variable Y With code:

7.      Find the standard error difference between variable rate X and variable rate Y with code:

8.      Search for a result towith code:

9.      Interpretation of the to resultby setting the alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis:

Ha ����������� : There is a significant difference between variable rate x and variable rate y

Ho ����������� : No significant difference between variable rate x and variable rate y

10.  Compare the result of to with t tabel. The degree of sig is 5% or 1%. If to is higher than t tabel, then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and if to is lower than t tabel, then the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected. The result of the t tabel from the t table after setting the degree of freedom is known as df = (N 1 + N 2) - 2. From the t table, you know that the t tabel result is 2,026 at the 5% importance level, and this is higher than the to result, which is 1,252. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis is rejected, meaning that there is no significant difference between the rate of variable x and the rate of variable y. After analyzing the data, which is the result of the control chapter as a variable X and the result of the experimental chapter as a variable Y and comparing the rate between them, it was found that the rate of the control chapter, which is the class in which karuta is not used, is higher than the rate of the result of the experimental chapter, which is the chapter in which karuta is used, as seen in the following table:


Table 3. Summary of the difference between the control and experimental

separation rates


It is seen from the t-test result that t o (1,252) is lower than t tabel (2,026). Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis is rejected, meaning that there is no significant difference between the rate of variable x and the rate of variable y . This means that the use of karuta does not affect students� ability to comprehend Arabic vocabulary, especially its pronunciation .



After conducting the experiment in the seventh intermediate grade at the Sabil al-Muminin Benjai Institute, where karuta was used in the experimental class and karuta was not used in the control class, and conducting the post-test in both classes, the data was found and analyzed. It is seen from the results of the t-test that t o (1,252) is lower than t tabel (2,026). Therefore, the conclusion was drawn that karuta does not affect the students� ability to comprehend vocabulary, especially its pronunciation, and that it is not appropriate to be used as an educational means for this educational goal. From the mentioned search result, there are some suggestions that please pay attention to them, which are as follows: The school should use diverse and appropriate teaching methods and means of education other than karuta To attract students� interest in understanding vocabulary, especially in pronouncing its letters, so that they will want to study and not get bored of it. The results of the research indicated that karuta does not affect the students� ability to comprehend Arabic vocabulary, especially in pronouncing its letters. This contradicts the aforementioned theories, as karuta affects students� ability to comprehend vocabulary. For the various things, the writer was unable to search for reasons for their lack of effect. Other researchers may research and analyze it, because the door is open in this field. The difference between t tabel and to 0.0774. This means that there are other factors that affect students� ability to comprehend vocabulary . These factors cannot be discussed in this research. Other researchers may research and analyze it, because the door to discussion and research is open.



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