The Impact of Content-based instruction on Students' Writing skill and Learning Motivation at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile


Yuyun Sugianti1, Ruminda2, Juhana3

Universitas Terbuka

[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3



Keywords: Content-Based Instruction, Writing Skills, Learning Motivation.



















This study investigates three main issues regarding the application of the content-based instruction (CBI) model in teaching writing skills to eighth-grade students at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile. First, it examines how CBI is implemented in writing instruction. Second, it assesses the impact of CBI on students' writing skills and overall learning outcomes. Third, it explores how CBI influences student motivation in learning writing skills. Conducted among eighth-grade students in North Maluku, the study employs a descriptive quantitative method using three instruments: a pre-test and post-test for writing skills, observation checklists for both teachers and students, and a student questionnaire. The experimental class received CBI treatment over four sessions, while the control class was taught using conventional methods. Observations were made during the treatment, followed by a questionnaire for the experimental group. Data analysis was performed using SPSS, revealing key findings: CBI significantly improves students' writing skills, as both teachers and students find it easier to engage with writing content relevant to their interests. Additionally, CBI enhances student motivation, making the learning process more enjoyable and accessible.






Language is needed to communicate with others. The language used adapts to existing needs. English as an international language is used by many people worldwide and plays an increasingly important role in many areas of life. So, English is also considered the most popular foreign language studied by many students worldwide. According to Syafiq, Sugandi, & Sari (2023), the use of English require extra learning so that students are able to use English well in accordance with existing demands (Syafiq et al., 2023).

Furthermore, based on Rofi�ah (2019) language is a means of communication. This belief causes English teachers to teach their students how to communicate in English (ROFI�AH, 2019). Therefore, materials, methods, techniques and learning activities must encourage and support students to use English as a communication tool. However, in reality learning activities are still traditional, such as reading conversations and monologues from written notes, reading texts, and doing written exercises. Learning English is important for students. This is important to ensure that our students are ready to face the world. The success of learning English at school depends on students' ability to communicate verbally and in writing.

Mastering writing skills is among the most challenging. The reason for this is that in addition to developing writing-related abilities like vocabulary, grammar, and spelling, pupils also need to master other talents. Using resources from the school is inappropriate given the student's current learning environment. Therefore, English teachers need to be creative in creating their own teaching materials that are adapted to their students' circumstances (Yulia, 2017).

Various methods are used to improve the quality of English among students. The methods used by educators include methods, use of media, learning approaches and many other things used in learning. However, before starting a further learning stage the teacher must take the best approach to students' conditions. Moreover, classes currently filled by the millennial generation tend to get bored quickly if the learning is monotonous. The choice of approach must be based on student characteristics.

The characteristics of different students are influenced by various existing factors. These factors include internal factors such as the motivation that exists in students so that they influence the characteristics of students in receiving learning. Apart from that, there are external factors such as the environment and the area where you live (Prasetya, 2016). Students who live in the city will be different from students who live in the village. Apart from the characteristics, there are different problems faced. Students who live in villages tend to find it difficult to access information on these rights due to the lack of internet access or inadequate availability of facilities. In contrast to students who live in big cities, of course they will have more ease in accessing information and the availability of adequate facilities. The problems faced require teachers to be able to create a learning environment that suits students' conditions and needs. However, teachers also sometimes encounter obstacles in adapting teaching to existing student conditions. Similar things can be found at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile, East Halmahera district, North Maluku. There are so many phenomena found related to obstacles in the learning and learning process. The existing phenomenon is students' difficulties in writing skills. Many students are able to speak well but have difficulty in writing.

Writing is a little more difficult to learn because in writing students must be able to express ideas with good grammatical structures. So, needs to be more effort in learning writing. Apart from that, the aspect of writing skills is not just writing what you think. In writing, apart from developing ideas into writing, you also need to choose words (vocabulary), sentence structure (grammar), and the meaning contained in the writing. Moreover, this causes several obstacles to be faced especially in English language learning by both students and teachers. Students' difficulties in learning are not only caused by students' limited ability to understand the material. However, there are other factors that influence student learning such as learning motivation. Therefore, teachers must be able to choose the right method for learning. So, it not only makes students understand learning but can also increase students' learning motivation. Moreover, writing skills require in-depth understanding.

There are several approaches that are worth trying to improve learning outcomes and student motivation, one of which is content-based instruction. Content-based instruction can be a suitable choice for the characteristics of current students. This was stated by Mesureur (2020) that content-based teaching is becoming increasingly popular in English language education programs throughout the world (Mesureur, 2012). This is considered an effective way to engage students with content resources, while improving their language skills.

Improving students' skills by using content-based instruction in language learning can provide students with more learning motivation. This is due to adjustments between existing learning and student desires. With these adjustments, it can be adjusted to the conditions of the students being taught. This adjustment makes students learn without coercion and enjoy the existing learning process. Nurza (2015) also expressed the same thing: the content-based-instruction approach links real situations in students' lives with existing learning (Nurza, 2016). So, with the content-based instruction approach, students will be more interested in learning. Students feel that what they are learning is more familiar so it looks more fun and easier to understand.

It can be seen that research on content-based instruction has been conducted previously. However, each place has different level of difficulty so research is needed regarding this phenomenon. The place to be researched is far from the city so it is possible to find out the differences faced by children in urban and rural areas related to writing skills and the use of content-based instruction. In previous research, the research was carried out in different places. So, the researcher tries to take the same phenomenon with different school backgrounds. It takes to know the use of content-based instruction in different situations and conditions too.

This study has differences in terms of the condition of the research subjects and the atmosphere from previous studies. Then, the researcher tries to see the impact of using content-based instruction to research subjects with different situations and conditions. Indonesia as a country with a large area causes the existing education to be uneven. Especially in rural areas that are still difficult to equalize education because of the long distance. The availability of facilities and infrastructure certainly greatly supports existing education. This is similar to the research subjects at SMP Negeri 6 East Halmahera district, North Maluku which is still said to be an area far from the reach of education. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the subject by linking it to students' writing abilities and motivation in learning English.

Therefore, based on the previous research the researcher try to conduct similar research but under different conditions. This research is different from previous research which was conducted at different levels and situations and conditions. This research will be carried out at the junior high school level. So the title of the research is �The Impact of Content-based instruction on Students' Writing skill and Learning Motivation at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile�



Research Design

This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach because the research data obtained uses numbers and the analysis uses statistics. Quantitative research is conducted using statistical methods to collect quantitative data from research studies. The type of research used is using a true experimental design and a quantitative descriptive design.

The type of research used is descriptive research using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, namely providing an overview of the problem being studied in the form of numbers. The following writing scores in the experimental and control classes are used as a reference for selecting research subjects:


Table 1 Writing Score

Experimental Class

Control Class































(Sary, 2024)


Population and Sample

1.� Population

The population of this study consist of six classes. It is divided into two classes of eighth grade, two classes eighth grade, and two classes ninth grade of SMP Negeri 6 Wasile. The total of students is 114 consisting of around 15 students in each class.

2.� Sample

The sample from this study used a simple random sampling technique. Simple random sampling is a sampling method that is carried out randomly, regardless of how large or small the population is. This method is used if the population is homogeneous or relatively homogeneous (Fauzy 2019:1.19). Thus, the researcher chose a population from eighth grade. Class A and class B are divided into experimental class and control class. The experimental class is class A while the control class is class B with 15 students each. So, the total sample is 30 students.




Data were taken from tests, observation sheets and questionnaires. Students were given a test with a pre-test conducted before the treatment. After that, students were given treatment and then at the end of the meeting students were given a post-test. During the treatment in the experimental class, observations were made using observation sheets related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Observations were made to students and teachers in the treatment process given using content-based learning. Questionnaires were given to students in the treatment class at the end of the meeting. There are following results of this research:

1. Test Analysis Result

The test was given to the experimental class and the control class. The test was divided into pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given before the treatment was carried out by the teacher while the post-test was carried out after the treatment from the teacher for each class.

2.� Observation Analysis Result

Observations were conducted using observation checklists for teachers and students. Observation checklists for teachers were conducted to observe the implementation of content-based instruction in learning activities. Meanwhile, observation checklists for students were conducted to see students' responses to teaching and learning activities using content-based instruction. These observations were conducted during four meetings when the treatment was carried out in the experimental class.

a.� Observation analysis for the teacher

Observation for teachers was conducted during treatment using content-based instruction for four meetings. This observation aims to see the implementation of content-based instruction carried out by teachers. The following are the results of the observation checklist analysis for the teacher analysed using SPSS with descriptive analysis in table 12 and table 13.


Table 2 Percentage of Observation Checklist for The Teacher









Deliver material according to the learning plan






Apperception corresponds to the material






Motivate students






Convey learning objectives






Utilize videos/images related to the student environment to explain material






Conduct questions and answers to explore students� knowledge






Teachers teach with enthusiasm






Teachers use a variety of media






Teachers carry out varied activities






The teacher gives students the opportunity to choose things they like






The teacher checks students� understanding






Teachers use English as the dominant language






Provide evaluation












Use time according to the lesson plan









85 %


Table 3 Descriptive Statics of Observation Checklist for the Teacher






Std. Deviation

Meeting I






Meeting II






Meeting III






Meeting IV






Valid N (listwise)







b.� Observation analysis for the students

Observation checklist for students was conducted during the learning process. Observers observed the responses of students when the teacher used content-based instruction in the experimental class. This observation was conducted during four meetings in the experimental class when the treatment was running. The following are the results of the descriptive analysis of the observation checklist for students using SPSS in table 14 and table 15.


Table 4 Percentage of Observation Checklist for Students


Meeting (Students)







Students respond to the perceptions conveyed






Students are motivated by teachers






Students pay close attention when the teacher explains






Students are very enthusiastic when teachers use variety of media based on CBI






Students are enthusiastic when the teacher asks questions






Students are enthusiastic about learning






Students are interested in the various types of media used and understand more






Students carry out varied activities in learning






Students choose things they like in lessons and develop them in learning






Students understand the lesson well






Students use English predominantly






Students follow the evaluation given






Students can reflect on learning outcomes






Students leave class on time









79,3 %


Table 5 Descriptive Statics of Observation Checklist for the Students







Std. Deviation

Meeting I






Meeting II






Meeting III






Meeting IV






Valid N (listwise)






3.� Questionnaire Analysis Result

The questionnaire was given to students in the experimental class at the last meeting. It was given to find out the motivation and requests for writing skill learning after the implementation of content-based instruction. Students were asked to fill out the questionnaire by giving a rating to each statement on the question sheet. The following are the results of the questionnaire analysis in table 16.


Table 6 Descriptive Statics of questionnaire






Std. Deviation

Item 1






Item 2






Item 3






Item 4






Item 7






Item 9






Item 12






Item 13






Item 14






Item 15






Item 16






Item 17












Item 24






Item 25












Item 5






Item 6






Item 8






Item 10






Item 11






Item 19






Item 20






Item 21






Item 22






Item 23












Valid N (listwise)











Tthe results of the descriptive statics analysis of the questionnaire in table 16 It can be seen that the mean on the questionnaire has a number above 4. This shows that the answer on the questionnaire is high. So, it can be concluded from the data obtained that students agree that the use of content-based instruction can increase student motivation. The basis for making this decision is in accordance with the calculation of the likert scale according to Sugiyono (2017) with the highest score of 5 which indicates (strongly disagree), 4 (agree), 3 (neutral), 2 (disagree), and 1 (strongly disagree). From the mean of the data shows a number of 4 and above which means agree to strongly agree from all positive questions presented regarding the use of content-based instruction.



The data were taken from tests, observation sheets and questionnaires. Students were given a test with a pre-test conducted before the treatment. After that, students were given treatment and then at the end of the meeting students were given a post-test. During the treatment in the experimental class, observations were made using observation sheets related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Observations were made to students and teachers in the treatment process given using content-based learning. Questionnaires were given to students in the treatment class at the end of the meeting.

This study tried to analyze the Impact of Content-based instruction on Students' Writing skill and Learning Motivation at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile. There are three aspect describe in this study. They are the influence of content-based instruction learning model on writing skills, application of the content-based instruction learning model in teaching writing skills, and the influence of the content-based instruction learning model on student motivation in learning writing.


1.� Application of The Content-Based Instruction Learning Model in Teaching Writing Skills

The use of content-based instruction in classroom teaching by teachers can be seen through observations made to teachers and students. From the results of teacher observations, it can be seen that the percentage shows the number 85 with a Std Deviation above > 0.05 which is included in the category (very good) according to the Interpretation of Observation Results by Riduwan (2015) which can be seen in table 9 (Adnan et al., 2016).

This proves that the use of content-based instruction has a good effect in its use in the classroom. This is same as the statement from Al Amrani (2019) there is a fact that students have made more progress in language teaching and learning. Then, evidenced by the percentage of 85% which is included in the very good category. In addition, observations on students show a percentage of 73.9% and with a Std Deviation above > 0.05 which indicates the category (good) so that the application of content-based instruction in writing skill learning also provides a positive direction for students.

The delivering material according to the result (85%) shows that the teacher maintained alignment with structured objectives. Additionally, the use of videos and images related to the students' environment scored an impressive 85%, which indicates that incorporating multimedia relevant to students' experiences helps in fostering a more engaging and relatable learning environment (Kilag et al., 2023). This suggests that the Content-based instruction model, by focusing on real-life content, stimulates interest and promotes better understanding in writing tasks.

Observations were conducted by looking at several aspects of teacher and students. Observations conducted on teachers with fifteen observation aspects include: deliver material according to the learning plan, apperception corresponds to the material, motivate students, convey learning objectives, utilize videos/images related to the student environment to explain material, conduct questions and answers to explore students� knowledge, teachers teach with enthusiasm, teachers use a variety of media, teachers carry out varied activities, the teacher gives students the opportunity to choose things they like, the teacher checks students� understanding, teachers use English as the dominant language, provide evaluation, reflection, and use time according to the lesson plan. It was found that teachers carried out teaching aspects with a percentage of 85% which is classified as very good. So, from the results of observations, the success of teachers in teaching in accordance with the provisions for using content-based instruction was met.

Unfortunately, many students are not good at writing. For example, in composition classes, students cannot write simple essays. They are still influenced by their mother tongue. Students consider writing as one of the most difficult language skills because they need to express their ideas accurately in written English. This phenomenon is caused by various factors. Writing courses usually focus on completing the material and ignore the results. In addition, students may not be able to pay much attention in writing classes because they may only focus on one aspect, such as grammatical structure.

Instructors not only teach in class, but also play a very important role in decision-making, such as: choosing the right methods, materials, and media for classroom teaching. On the other hand, students have their own performance levels and learning styles that affect their understanding of the material. Language skills, especially English, also include writing. Writing is the result of several different activities that are very difficult to learn at the same time. These individual tasks include taking notes, determining main ideas, sketching, drafting, and editing. Writing is one way for someone to express themselves freely through words. In addition, writing is basically a brain activity and requires physical resources and the use of tools such as word processors, pens, and paper. In theory, writing is an effort to create or reproduce written communication. Before you write, you need to decide what you want to write.

Based on the collected data, all participants reported that content-based teaching was used throughout the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This was not only seen in the materials used in learning, but also in the teacher's teaching style which included the teaching process from the beginning to the end of learning and used all the characteristics of content-based teaching. All participants reported that the application of content-based teaching features helped them read and understand English texts. Students had a positive attitude towards content-based teaching methods and were able to improve their understanding in writing English texts.

There is an important message that needs to be conveyed. Indeed, the purpose of writing is to communicate with readers using traditional graphic elements such as words, sentences, punctuation, and letters. Therefore, we can conclude that skills are a person's ability, which is obtained through difficult steps, to do good and useful deeds. This statement leads to the conclusion that writing is a productive language and is a tool for communicating ideas that require the application of critical thinking. Writing is a learning process, so that in addition to being able to communicate and express their ideas, students can also learn to write correctly. Content-based learning is an integration between content learning and language teaching objectives.

More specifically, it refers to the simultaneous learning of language and subject matter, with the form and order of language presentation determined by the subject matter. Content-based learning is an approach to second language teaching in which instruction is based on the content and information that students have acquired. It is an approach to learning English that combines subject matter content and language skills. It is one of the methods in language teaching. It serves multiple purposes as it provides a rich context for language courses. It is intended that just as students can learn a language by using it in a particular context, they can also learn it using any subject context. Maintaining students' motivation and interest are two key elements that form the basis of content-based education.

This study is an in-depth study conducted on a writing course about students' difficulties in developing their ideas into good essays. The purpose of this study is to help students improve their writing skills and transform their ideas and knowledge into superior essays through content-based academic writing. Content-based writing learning can be an effective way to develop the necessary skills because this approach approaches writing in a similar (or identical) way to how writing is assigned, prepared, and answered in real academic courses. Thus, the application of writing learning still follows the four stages of writing learning. Pre-writing, first draft writing, revision, and publication. Different content contexts are transformed into language learning tools. Learning activities include writing, reading, listening, and synthesizing content from sources. According to CBI, content-based learning in the teaching and learning process in this environment emphasizes more on mastering the content of the material than the philosophy of the language itself. This automatically leads to students' mastery of the objectives. The material is basically challenging and situational, so students usually learn effectively if they are motivated. Therefore, teachers are strongly advised to provide opportunities for students to discuss essay topics so that they can participate more actively in class. It is hoped that with the implementation of CBI, students can learn the language more effectively and acquire writing skills while being aware of the challenges that exist.

Teaching methods to improve students' English proficiency have been widely and extensively researched in various settings to find the best methods that can really improve English performance. Content-based education is considered an effective teaching method because it uses English as a medium to convey content knowledge and at the same time provides students with more opportunities to use English in the classroom. Therefore, the use of English depends on meaningful goals (what is learned) and frequent practice (opportunities to use English). Language is seen as a medium for learning content, and content is seen as a resource for learning and improving language. Teachers should teach English by providing students with speaking opportunities to teach content-based instruction and by creating a classroom environment that provides students with many opportunities to produce English.

Therefore, many researchers believe that through the essential features of language learning, it is possible to combine language learning and academic content, participate in activities, develop competence in academic discussions, and encourage the development of effective learning strategies and realistic methodologies. Many studies on content-based education have shown positive results. However, empirical data must be collected to determine the effectiveness of content-based programs in various situations. Therefore, further empirical data is needed to complement the existing knowledge of content-based teaching. Because there is still limited research on the importance of English, appropriate English language teaching, and content-based teaching in education. Current research uses content-based teaching as a learning method to improve English language skills.

Content-based teaching has been developed, tried and tested, and the results lead to a better understanding of content-based teaching and help teachers make better decisions in teaching English more effectively, it is believed that it can serve as a guide to developing content-based learning experiences in a way that really improves your English performance. There are different ways to learn and teach writing. Furthermore, the strategies, methods, and techniques related to real-world problems and issues, are authentic and can be used to teach writing skills. Content-based learning is one of them. This learning does not only stimulate students' interest. Content-based learning is language teaching by involves interesting and relevant content to the learner. This content has various purposes. It provides a rich context for language teaching and allows teachers to introduce and explain certain language features.

In the observations conducted on students in the experimental class, there were fourteen aspects observed, including: students respond to the perceptions conveyed, students are motivated by teachers, students pay close attention when the teacher explains, students are very enthusiastic when teachers use a variety of media based on content-based instruction, students are enthusiastic when the teacher asks questions, students are enthusiastic about learning, students are interested in the various types of media used and understand more, students carry out varied activities in learning, students choose things they like in lessons and develop them in learning, students understand the lesson well, students use English predominantly, students follow the evaluation given, students can reflect on learning outcomes, and students leave class on time. In the observations conducted, students obtained a percentage of 73.9% which is included in the good category. So, from the results of observations of students it is known that students receive lessons well so that the observation aspect for students is sufficiently fulfilled.

Therefore, from the results of observations made by observers to teachers and students and based on existing theories. Application of content-based instruction in writing learning is carried out well and meets the aspects in the observations made. From observations it is also known that the use of content-based instruction makes students react positively to the learning.


2.� The Influence of Content-Based Instruction Learning Model on Writing Skill

Based on the results obtained from the test there are significant differences. This difference can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test scores conducted on the experimental and control classes. The experimental class taught using content-based instruction tends to have a significant increase in scores compared to the control class taught using the conventional method.

The results of the post-test scores of the experimental class after being treated using content-based instruction were higher than the post-test results of the control class which was treated using a conventional approach. This is because the use of content-based instruction can provide an increase in students' learning competence in writing skills. This is in accordance with the opinion of Bula (2018) that content-based instruction applies strongly to the principles of communicative language teaching, as they involve active participation of students in content exchange. The material taught in existing educational units is tailored to students' interests and creativity. In addition, based on the results of research from Villalobos (2018) found that content-based instruction is a good approach to use in learning English because it can improve student learning outcomes effectively.

The use of content-based instruction can make students think more critically about learning content that is adjusted to students' social lives. This is in line with the opinion of Sato et al (2017) that to achieve the goal in learning, students' critical thinking must be nurtured (Sato et al., 2017). To encourage critical thinking on texts, it is necessary to add social issues related to students' environment. Developing students' critical thinking is a core component in learning at all levels before mastering content and language. In using content-based instruction, in addition to increasing students' critical thinking, the learning that is loaded is in the form of content related to students' own social and environmental issues.

In short, content-based education is preferred for several reasons. This is because content-based education allows students to construct their own knowledge throughout the process and focuses on language-based subject learning. Students will also look for ways to highlight how imaginative and creative learners are and how they contribute to the learning process. Students will be more interested in completing writing exercises based on the material given by the teacher, rather than sitting and listening to the entire lecture. This makes it easier to create meaning and construct sentences through a series of activities that culminate in successful writing. In addition, it makes it easier for students to share ideas and correct each other. Utilizing content-based learning in writing classes is one way to improve writing skills in vocational high schools. This is a good activity to motivate your students and stimulate their interest. This is because students may not have ideas to write and their grammar may not be good enough. Content-based learning helps in instill or develop writing skills.

Therefore, based on the results of this research, the use of content-based instruction influence students' writing learning outcomes. This is in line with the understanding that writing is a complex task that requires fine motoric and cognitive coordination, and reflects the social and cultural patterns of the writer's time. Selain itu menurut Dastgeer & Afzal (2015) writing skill is an important skill in students' academic evaluation (Dastgeer & Afzal, 2015). However, there are difficulties that students must face to achieve this competence. One of the causes of students' difficulties in meeting writing competence includes conventional teaching used. Thus, the importance of teaching, especially the chosen approach, greatly influences the results obtained by students. The selection of content-based instruction is considered to be one of the approaches that are said to be appropriate in honing students' writing skills based on the results obtained from this study.

Content-based instruction for language learning in which instruction is organized around the content of the information students receive, rather than the type of language curriculum. Content-based instruction is the teaching of academic subjects in the language students are learning. The best conditions for learning a foreign language occur when the target language and meaningful content are integrated into the lesson. In content-based instruction, students are exposed to topics rather than forms of language they understand implicitly. In content-based instruction, language plays a precise role as a means to achieve a set of content objectives. Content-based learning helps motivate language learners by encouraging them to use the language itself to learn a new language, from the beginning stages to the stage of independent use. Students tend to be more engaged when authentic materials, content, and contexts are used.

This is in contrast to traditional teaching methods and materials such as textbooks, memorization, and practicing grammar rules. CBI focuses on what is being taught rather than the target language itself. This means that learners are exposed to the language in a more dynamic and engaging way. The active nature of content-based learning allows learners to develop critical thinking and life skills that can be used in a variety of ways outside the language classroom environment. It also provides opportunities for students to think actively, using rich materials and connecting authentically to the real world. Content-based learning is a powerful tool for innovating foreign language teaching in a variety of educational settings. It allows CBI strategies to be applied regardless of the age or learning level of the participating learners. This means that CBI certainly supports the use of collaboration-oriented methods among students.

More than any other aspect of education, writing has been shown to be necessary for all aspects of learning and is an important aspect to master. Content-based learning (CBI) is instruction that focuses on language learning through learning about something. Content-based learning in language education. Instruction revolves around the content and information that students acquire, not language or other curriculum. Content-based language teaching is a communicative approach in which students use the target language to interpret, express, and negotiate meaning. Content-based language teaching. Instruction is based on the content and information that students acquire, not language or other curriculum.

Content-based instruction in writing also requires better students. In this learning, it is assumed that students are autonomous and independent so that they are aware of their own learning process and can take responsibility for their own learning. In addition, students are expected to support each other in a collaborative learning mode. Students must accept this new approach to language learning. This includes not only learning the language itself, but also teaching language through science and the study of certain topics. In other words, the focus is on learning something rather than learning a language. Language education is a type of bilingual education and special instruction that teaches the language necessary for learning in school and at the same time improves thinking skills.

Students with low creativity show the opposite characteristics. They tend to be passive in following learning. They are embarrassed to do something because they are afraid of making mistakes. They lack the innovative ability to do something different, consider things monotonous, and are unable to develop ideas. They do not know what to do because they lack inspiration. Students who are less creative will be less active. They wait for their friends to act and then follow their example. In addition, when the teacher asks students something, they remain silent. The above problems are caused by students who do not focus on what they are doing. Students with low creativity underestimate their self-esteem, consider themselves less than they should be, and focus on their weaknesses.

Moreover, most people reduce their creative thinking when they are not too serious and focused on the task. The problem today is that pressure is almost always there. This requires more attention so that teachers need to carry out intensive control during learning so that students can enjoy the teaching and learning process. Therefore, students with high creativity have better writing skills than students with low creativity, because without creativity a person cannot progress. There is an interaction between the method and student creativity during writing learning.

Using a good strategy to lead successful learning. One way to learn to write is through content-based learning. Content-based learning is the teaching of content or information in the language being studied, without teaching the language itself directly or explicitly separately from the content. Content here means using the subject matter as a means of teaching and learning the language. Content is used in various senses related to the material or topic we are studying or communicating through language, not the language we use to deliver it.

This is good because it provides a natural context in the use of the target language in the classroom, the focus of learning is on the content being taught, and students can master the content area where what they learn can be applied in the learning process believe it. You can also explore their writing because there will be many opportunities to express their expertise. Creative learners are someone who is active, creative, curious, engaged, and committed to exploring their abilities to gain competence and skills. They are constantly generating new ideas and innovations to achieve greater success. A highly creative learner is someone who focuses on four stages: exploring, creating, choosing, and applying creativity to an organization. Creativity and innovation are behaviors that need to be encouraged throughout the organization using measurable processes to achieve results. It is undeniable that content-based learning is more effective. It is also effective for highly creative learners because they have more demands and interests in learning and practicing English.

Content-based instruction has several positive impacts on English language learning. It makes the learning process more interesting. Learners can use the language to perform various tasks related to their learning objectives, making them more independent and confident. Learners can develop their own knowledge to support their academic needs. Learners can develop their academic skills in data collection, summarization, and analysis. Learners are trained to obtain information from various sources, evaluate and reconstruct the information, and develop thinking skills that can be used in research in various fields of science. Group work, one of the Content-based instruction learning methods, helps students improve communication skills and develop strong social skills.

However, CBI still faces several challenges. For example: Because this approach does not specifically teach grammar, learners may be confused about how to improve their language skills. Learners are more likely to use their first language than their target language. Content-based instruction aims to enable students to draw conclusions and analyze texts in their own words. Various solutions are offered to overcome these challenges. Teachers give some practice questions to ensure understanding of English grammar. Teachers can also explain why they use English or why they combine their mother tongue and target language. Teachers may read texts in the students' regional languages, but the discussion must be in English and vice versa.

Therefore, writing is a very important skill to learn and master. Based on the ststement from Steinlen (2018) define in linguistic systems, sentences depend on many of the same structures as language, such as vocabulary, grammar, and semantics, and also often on the formal form of a system of signs and symbols (Steinlen, 2018). Thus, the use of content-based instruction provides good benefits for students to practice writing skills. This is in line with the statement from Vanichvasin (2019) the use of content-based instruction contributes to improved English language performance because it helps students learn and perform better in English (Vanichvasin, 2019). �

In relation to the development of writing skills, the mother tongue issue has a major impact on foreign language learning. Knowledge and writing skills in the mother tongue, whether lacking or not, are transferred to writing in a foreign language. Writing skills are transferred from one language to another. Written production is reflected in their writing using a foreign language, in this case English. Given the scenario described, it is important to encourage activities that respond to the educational and academic needs of learners and create appropriate situations that not only improve verbal communication skills but also general cognitive skills. The development of writing in a foreign language requires the application of a series of strategies and activities based on theoretical contributions, leading to the mastery of writing as a tool for expressing ideas, building knowledge and expanding culture. In other words, learning should not be limited to the acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical structures, but should develop cognitive skills and view language as a tool and not an end in itself.

Content-based instruction is considered an effective teaching method and is an important tool for creating diverse opportunities for using English by including meaningful topics and frequent practice. Content-based learning (CBI) is considered as one of the learning methods to improve English language skills. Learning is organized in a content-oriented manner, and the principles of content-based learning are strongly embedded in the principles of communicative language teaching, as students actively participate in the exchange of content. It is an approach to achieving language proficiency by shifting the focus from language learning to content learning, which focuses on content rather than language and integrates language and content learning. The goal is to: at the same time, you will also acquire language skills. English classes are organized around content. In content-based learning, students learn language and content simultaneously, supporting each other's development.

In this era, writing is very important because humans communicate not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication. Students who have difficulty writing are still unable to form paragraphs. Writing has now become an important form of communication and is used as a means of communication to connect people across time and place, allowing students to share their thoughts as they would if they did not have writing skills. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is used by most people to communicate. On the other hand, English is considered a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesia.

English has been added to the list of compulsory subjects taught in educational institutions, with classes starting from junior high school and continuing through university. In fact, to learn English, you need to master four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Therefore, writing is an important form of communication and is used as a means of communication to unite people regardless of time and place. Good writing skills allow students to communicate their thoughts and ideas to others in a way that is easy to understand. Therefore, writing is one of the most important skills that English learners must master. In addition, writing skills are very important because they affect students' English learning outcomes.

�However, one of the signs of a student's English proficiency is their writing ability. Therefore, in order for English learners to internalize English, they must be able to write in English. It is clear how important it is to master writing skills, but in reality students' writing skills are still not satisfactory. Writing is considered the most difficult skill for second language learners to master. This is because there are many problems and issues in the process of teaching and learning to write in EFL courses, such as vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and structure. In some cases, writing is used to give instructions or complete something, such as using a communication tool to receive messages or to convey complaints through letters.

Language is best learned as a learning tool, not an object. CBI models vary in design and implementation depending on the environment, level, and type of learning. Some models have proven successful at the elementary school level, while others have proven effective. Some models focus on content, others on language, and some models are taught by the same instructor, while others are taught by different instructors.

However, there are generally three content-based education models. namely, topic-based language teaching, protected content teaching, and additional language teaching. Topic-based language teaching is a model in which courses are taught by language teachers and are structured around topics or themes, with topics being the backbone of the curriculum. The main goal is to help students improve their second language skills in a particular subject area.

So that, based on the explanation of several theories and statements by researchers from the research results obtained. Content-based instruction has a very good impact on students. Then, the use of content-based instruction influences students' writing skills which is marked by a significant increase in scores in the experimental class treated using content-based instruction. As a comparison, the control class taught using a conventional approach tends not to experience a significant increase in scores. It can be scientifically confirmed that content-based instruction influences students' writing skills.

3.� The Influence of The Content-Based Instruction Learning Model on Student�s Motivation in Learning Writing

The use of content-based instruction in learning writing skills also provides more learning motivation to students. It can be seen in table 4.15 which shows the mean in the answers given by students shows a number of more than > 4 and above which means based on the results of the liker scale that (agree). Students feel that the use of content-based instruction can increase motivation in learning English, especially in writing skills. This is in line with the theory that content-based instruction is considered a technique that can be used to increase student motivation (Sjamsiar, 2021). Although in its implementation, content-based instruction needs to be assisted with motivational support to improve student motivation better. However, the use of content-based instruction directs student motivation to the positive realm. This statement is also in accordance with Lai & Aksornjarung (2018) argue that in general students have a very positive attitude towards content-based instruction courses and their motivation to learn English is at a moderate level (Lai & Aksornjarung, 2018).

Content-based instruction (CBI) is English language learning that combines specific topics with English language learning objectives. This approach focuses on using English language skills as a �bridge� to understanding specific topics or topics in English. Currently, this approach can be used for multimedia learning to support English language learning on computers. Multimedia learning using a computer system is the use of different media formats either sequentially or simultaneously when presenting independent learning programs on a computer.

Content-based learning refers to the language teaching that is structured based on the content and information that students have acquired, rather than intuition or the nature of the curriculum. In content-based learning, students learn English while building English knowledge and skills. For example, students learn how to use different verb forms. This approach creates a positive atmosphere for students to learn English skills in a fun and flexible situation. This approach has great potential to increase students' motivation in learning English. However, the planned learning process must be supported by effective media for presenting materials. Currently, more and more teachers are choosing multimedia with computer-assisted learning to teach English content. Multimedia is the use of various media formats one by one or simultaneously in a presentation or a specific self-study program. Multimedia consists of various aspects such as text, images, audio, video, and animation, allowing you to present your materials effectively.

Learning media combines several aspects such as text, images, graphics, audio, and video. English language materials are mostly presented on a computer display that combines all aspects of multimedia. This method helps students understand the material more deeply by visualizing concepts. When integrating the CBI approach into computer-based multimedia learning, there are two important aspects to creating effective multimedia content. These are the presentation of reading texts and the integration of all English language skills. In presenting reading texts, the CBI approach plays an important role in presenting readings on specific topics based on student interests. The multimedia aspect also plays an important role in visualizing all concepts and vocabulary from the reading. This article introduces the basic concepts, provides several examples of multimedia learning displays, and details the integration of the CBI and multimedia learning for English language learning.

We can see that content-based instruction creates an environment where students are more engaged and motivated to improve their writing. This approach not only makes language learning more enjoyable but also helps students develop writing skills in a more natural and purposeful way. As a result, content-based instruction proves to be an effective model in enhancing both motivation and writing proficiency among students.

The understanding of affecting motivation can be caused by several factors as explained by Alizadeh (2016), including positive attitude towards community, the enjoyment of learning and external pressures (Alizadeh, 2016). Then, based on the points that cause effective motivation in learning. Content-based instruction can help students become more aware of patterns. Guided practice means encouraging students to use features in meaningful, controlled contexts and receiving feedback to improve automaticity and accuracy. Independent practice is applied in content-related situations and students are encouraged to use language features in a more open way to develop language skills, motivation and self-confidence (Maming et al., 2020).

Therefore, the students thst using content-based instruction can be fulfill learning outcomes, namely: specific and clear, realistic, desired learning outcomes are based on active verbs in the future tense form, developed based on the program, sufficient, according to the program curriculum, simple, not complicated and focus on learning outcomes.

Positive teachers are a key element in creating a collaborative classroom. Confident teachers are more likely to display classroom management behaviors that encourage positive attitudes and motivate students to learn. Teachers who are reluctant to speak English may inappropriately encourage non-directive behavior and be easily distracted from classwork without regard for student performance. Teachers influence students through their teaching philosophy. Some teachers discourage students from speaking, while others allow students to express their opinions and express their feelings.

Therefore, CBI has become popular in the classroom. The main reason is that learners seem to be more motivated when they learn something that interests them, rather than just learning a language. Language education should go beyond simple grammar skills to promote actual language acquisition and enable students to truly function in the target language with all its cultural, linguistic and social components. CBI is a useful approach to developing learners� communicative skills, especially since it focuses on paraphrasing and using language in specific cultural situations. It also helps develop language skills in real-world situations and meaningful purposes. CBI is part of a new paradigm in teaching and learning.

The idea of developing students� communicative skills is what enables them to participate in the target culture. The main features that underlie this new paradigm (common to several communication techniques): All the previous factors are taken into account when setting goals. Language techniques in the classroom are used to promote language with meaningful purposes. Fluency and accuracy are complementary elements. Language is used in situations that are not drilled, just like in the real world. In addition, language teachers need to incorporate more content into their lessons to achieve learning goals. Some language structures, strategies, and sociolinguistic components are easier to teach using specific content.

Basically, content gives meaning to everything. The students' needs must be considered when selecting materials so that teachers can successfully implement learning proposals. This makes the process of learning the target language more motivating and interesting, because students use the language for real-world purposes. This allows students to become more confident and independent. Another advantage is that CBI is very popular among teachers. Because CBI helps students develop and master learning strategies such as: B. Note-taking, summarizing, noting important points, etc. Ultimately, gaining a broader knowledge of the world through CBI helps students develop valuable thinking skills that can be applied to a variety of subjects as part of their general education requirements.

Teachers who talk a lot have fewer opportunities to talk to students and practice their work. Often, linguistic and logical teaching methods are primarily used in language teaching, but the types of learning and teaching methods used are limited. These so-called traditional teaching methods are usually based on the blackboard, conversations, book-based lessons, repetition and reinforcement, and review sessions that culminate in comprehensive exams. To learn English, you must learn actively. A good attitude in learning English is important because it shows that the learner is intrinsically motivated to learn. The rate and success of second language acquisition is greatly influenced by the motivation of the second language learner. Learning a second language without motivation can lead to poor understanding of the target language. These ambitious children really appreciate the benefits they receive from learning English. They are interested in completing English assignments because they really appreciate the learning process. So that the existence of content-based instruction can facilitate the learning stage which tends to be boring and forces students to be more creative in developing ideas in writing.

Personal attitude and language learning. The results showed that although the subjects realized the importance of learning English, they did not have a strong desire to learn the language. The subjects only had an average positive attitude towards learning English. It is emphasized that language learning is closely related to attitudes towards language. Having a positive attitude towards language allows learners to have a positive attitude towards learning English. Therefore, attitude can play a very important role in determining a person's success in language learning. Students who have a positive attitude are more motivated and successful than students who have a negative attitude. Therefore, attitude is considered as one of the important factors that contribute to the success of second language learning, because positive attitudes and motivation need to coexist for successful language learning. Therefore, it is important to change students' perceptions and attitudes in learning using the right content in language learning.



The study concludes that writing is a crucial skill that students must master to enhance language proficiency, supporting the integration of language skills and elements. Writing enables students to convey ideas, understand messages, and develop critical skills. However, many students find English writing challenging, often due to low motivation and ineffective teaching methods that fail to engage their creativity. To address these challenges, teachers should create an engaging classroom environment that stimulates students' interest in writing. Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is highlighted as an effective method to improve student motivation and writing skills. Through CBI, students engage with meaningful content relevant to their environment, which supports both language and concept development. Observations showed that CBI positively impacts student attitudes and motivation, as students actively participated throughout the lessons. Results from an experiment with eighth graders at SMP Negeri 6 Wasile indicated that students taught using CBI significantly outperformed those taught with conventional methods. Moreover, feedback from questionnaires revealed that CBI enhances students' motivation by making learning enjoyable and effective, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and confidence. While CBI promotes linguistic and cognitive growth, it also presents challenges, such as the need for high English proficiency among educators and the tendency of students to revert to their native language. To implement CBI successfully, teachers must clearly define language objectives, adapt content to students' needs, use visual aids, and approach grammar as a tool rather than a learning objective. CBI offers a robust framework for integrating language and content, fostering comprehensive language learning in various disciplines.




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